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BlueWolf's Howl

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April 06, 2004

Switching Gears

Well...I started through the Minasi book (on Win2003)...but, didn't get very far when the Study Guide for the upgrade exams found its way to my doorstep.

In between everything else, I've been studying for the 70-292 exam. I put the BCRAN book aside and started focusing on getting the two upgrade exams finished. I'm almost ready to schedule the 292...

At least I think I'm almost ready. The material seems deceptively simple. Perhaps it's because I have a lot of hands-on experience with the tasks in the objectives...perhaps it's because of the other exams I've taken...or perhaps it just seems simple.

I've looked hard at the objectives on the Microsoft site for the exam. It seems like the scope of the exam is pretty limited. It is, after all, the MCSA upgrade test... perhaps that's why it seems so simple? I guess only time (and sitting in front of the test) will tell...

I'll be scheduling the test for some time next week. I'll let you know if it's as easy as it looks (from an MCSE's eyes)...

Posted by BlueWolf on April 6, 2004 08:57 PM