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BlueWolf's Howl

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April 27, 2005

Almost Done

Okay...so I know it took me a very long while to get the site updated. But what you didn't know is that I *was* working on it at a secret folder location. This is why the site was able to appear in just a few short hours. Granted, there are still links to check and one more section to work on (Higher Level), but I'm almost there...

For those who have been to my site before, you'll notice some differences. With the new version of MT, I'm limited to 3 blogs. So I had a decision to make -- combine blogs or pay. I decided to combine blogs (for more reasons than just money...). I'm hoping it will give the site a more coherent look and feel. I've also decided to not use the comment feature. I found that I spent more time adding entries to my Blacklist than I did reading comments. It just wasn't worth the effort. Trackbacks are also turned off. It was another feature that was helping the spammers more than adding enrichment to the site.

Enjoy and I'll actually be adding content soon!

Posted by BlueWolf on April 27, 2005 04:44 PM