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BlueWolf's Howl

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June 07, 2009

Next Challenge

And so for my next feat of magic... well, sometimes it seems that way. What I actually did was complete the Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security Self-Study Guide. It was a good read and a well-written book. However, what it wasn't was challenging. That's not a criticism of the book, just a note that it wasn't challenging to me. I'm hoping it's a good thing.

I took notes while I read - and I have about a half a notebook of handwritten notes. As I went through the book, I went over my previous notes. The exam [640-553] is scheduled for the 18th. In addition to that, I fortunately have access to SkillSoft CBTs which cover the same material. I went through about half of the CBTs. My plan for the next two weeks is to go over my notes at least once per day and then go through all the CBTs to review the material again thoroughly.

As I said, the book wasn't challenging. It was a lot of material I have been through before. I took notes anyway. What gave me great comfort was that the references to 'further reading' on various topics were books that I have already read. And it is a test that covers CCNA-level security. Of course, it's a prerequisite to other courses that I want to take, so off to the testing center I go...

Posted by BlueWolf on June 7, 2009 09:41 PM