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« Impulse | Poetry and Stories | In My Heart »

April 26, 2005

In Memory of The Men of the USS Stark

If that were me in the casket
My family at the funeral
Dead by accident
Heroes by circumstance
Would my family be proud?
(No, I think not.
Not proud of what I did
Not on purpose
But angry at me
For being there in the first place)
President and Mrs. Reagan hug the survivors
(As Casper looks on)
But no one takes pictures for souvenirs.
Would my family be honored?
Would they feel my sense of purpose?
Would they be proud of our country
Or mad at it?
Could they ever understand
How important it is to me
To be free
To be ready to fight for that freedom
To be proud
To be willing to work for that pride
The national anthem plays for me
The Patriot
Present Arms -- for me
How many gun salute?
Aren't we all the same degree of dead
Or are some still more dead than others?
As taps plays, yet again.

Posted by BlueWolf on April 26, 2005 12:57 AM